Friday, December 30, 2011


Somewhere out here I happened to see a book on a shelf and pick it up. Furious Longing of God by Brennan Manning. Here's something I just read and could not stand to keep it to myself.

Healing is a response to a crisis in the life of another person. It's enough of a response, a satisfactory response to a crisis in the life of another. And wherever the word CRISIS is used in the Greek New Testament, it is translated in English as judgement. That's right---judgement. Healing is a response that I make to a decisive moment in the life of a brother or sister; whether I respond or not, I have made a judgement.

Healing becomes the opportunity to pass off to another human being what I have received from the Lord Jesus; namely unconditional acceptance of me as I am, not as I should be. He loves me whether in a state of grace or disgrace, whether I live up to the lofty expectations of His gospel  or I don't. He comes to me where I live and loves me as I am. 

Sunday, December 25, 2011


In Columbia Missouri for a little bit longer visiting with family and friends. Looking forward to seeing my sisters and their families in TN. Praying each of you have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Should be posting another update soon. Please do drop us a line and let us know how you are doing and what's going on in your life.

Friday, December 9, 2011


Iced peppermint cookies with my neighbor Carole. Enjoyed a cup of coffee and great conversation.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011


Got back from a ten day trip where I saw most all my family and for that I give Happy THANKS. It was so good to see my sisters and brothers, nephews and nieces and my cousin Frann. ALso was able to visit with Aunt Pauline and Uncle Leon for a good bit. Always feel so loved and at home with them. It was strange going back there without Dylan. He had school and couldn't leave. But it was good to go back to where I've been and see the ones I love so dearly and have missed more than words.

Spent the entire day of THanksgiving on a plane, at the airport or in the car driving back. Wonderful to be back with Dylan and of course, will keep on missing my family until I see them again. Two more weeks here in Canada and then we head back to Missouri. Wow, just when you get used to something or's time to go. I'm thankful for change and that change keeps changing.

Merry Happy Christmas Everyone! I should be writing a detailed update (Possibly) and posting it soon. Our new P.O. Box 257 Sumas, WA 98295 

Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Birthday to Rebecka, Nathan, Jesse, Cindy, and Daniel!

Attended one or two of Dylan's 'field days.' One was at school and one was out at Sumas Mt. Enjoyed the days with him and his classmates.

Had a friend in from California (Deanna) last weekend painted some paintings together, went to a park, went for a walk, took some pictures. It was wonderful having her here.

I started taking piano lessons on Tuesdays. One of Dylan's instructors gave us a keyboard that no one was using in his garage. The only thing it needed was an adapter. We went to a thrift store today and picked one up... it fit perfectly.

We have a couch given to us by a friend, a light hanging up in our living room by dental floss, and Dylan bought me an electric blanket. I am so thankful for where we are and what the Lord is doing in our lives... the Lord is so faithful and constant in directing our circumstances from day to day. 

The joy of baking and sharing sweet things. Been baking some pumpkin bread, chocolate chip cookies, banana chocolate chip bread. Had another friend over last night (Ben), we enjoyed getting to know him, and sharing histories.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Twenty days have gone by since last post. Lots more has happened. My heart has never been more thankful. Yet somehow circumstances have me on the brink of tears.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Guess I failed to mention that my car was stolen in Kansas City about 10 days ago while my little sis was on a mission trip to mexico. In the trunk was my dejembe drum, a large bag of Mom's clothes that Michele was going to make us six kids quilts out of, and possibly a tupperware container of some of my stuff...winter clothes/journals/skates. So if anyone happens to see it - call the police THANKS. It is a 96 Oldsmobile Ciera. Four door, beige, with Florida tags (they will be exspired since I will not renew them while the car is stolen).

Praying that the Lord will bless the thief with a guilty conscious and that he/she will put the car back where it was parked. In front of Michele's house.


Split pea soup.
2-3cups of cooked split peas seasoned well with bacon. Boil the split peas once cooked in a pot with 2 cups water, a quarter to half of chopped onion, a stick of celery cut up, carrots (as many as you like), squeeze a half of lemon in there, 1/4 cup milk, 4 good slices of cheddar. Add salt and pepper to your taste.

The update from here is...Dylan's been home for more days this last week. His schedule has changed to school on Tues, Wed, Thursdays. Lots of homework still. And he volunteers on Tues after school at Mission without Borders. I've been going to class with him twice a week to the Outdoor Leadership Class. I've lost track of time. I've been baking cakes and cookies and writing notes here and there. Started painting again.

Read chapter 13 FROM ETERNITY TO HERE. I've been thinking about the Lord alot lately. How close we are to FOREVER. The power of His word. How much He has answered prayer. How perfect His plans always are. I want to hug my nieces and nephews. I want to write so many letters. I want every moment that I live to count for Jesus name. So I guess I'll keep on attempting to write recipes and songs and letters, and painting pictures and poetry, and making food with love and prayers just like Mom always did. Every now and then I hear her saying, "JUST BELIEVE..." and though it's hard sometimes --- I will face what I feel, sorrow until I'm healed...keep giving thanks.

Sunday, September 25, 2011


I suggest it for everyone (TAKE A HIKE), it's one of the best things you could do. Friday we got some pizza and drinks and went to a trail by a river near Mission bridge. It was so wonderful watching the sun go down. Yesterday Dylan and I took a hike at Elk Mountain. Sure was lovely way to spend a few hours. I might try to paint a picture and post it later. We did not take any pictures, except in our memories.

Today we spent Sunday at home... took a walk later on to see the sunset and a beautiful sky full of illuminated clouds and colors. It is cooling down, the end of summer.


Thursday, September 22, 2011


I ended up staying a little longer than I thought in Seattle (or thereabouts) Went to David and Harmony's babyshower, and then afterwards I was hoping to mail some packages. The post offices were closed on saturdays after two o'clock. David and Harmony were so kind to invite me to stay the weekend til Monday, so I did. Enjoyed my time with them.

Went to church of Christ Kirkland. Then afterwards went and drove around. Got some Mongolian food. Went and sat at Juanita Beach Park...thinking of my Granny (Juanita) and of course thinking about my Mom...and all the things I wished they would have shared.

Missing my sisters and brothers...missing Dylan...looking forward to what will come through prayer and believing. I got back across the border Monday afternoon around 3pm and Dylan got back from his trip around 6.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Dylan's been gone on a few trips, he's on the 3rd one right now since we've been here. He'll be back Monday night.  So I have been meeting the neighbors, they invited me to work at a charity auction one Friday. I have picked up a few items at thrift stores and the auction for the house. I have bought a few small plants at a local flea market. Met a piano teacher who is quickly becoming a real good friend to me. Attended class with Dylan one day... in between trips.

The neighbors have invited me over for coffee or dinner, feel very at home around them. I have met a student from Taiwan living in their house, she's only been in Canada a month... just about the same time as we've been here. She shared her heart as best she could the other night, I like her very much.
And then some of what I've been baking...Banana Bread. 

I do like driving so I'm heading to Seattle area tomorrow for a baby shower of some of our friends. Plan to enjoy my time in the States. It's only been a month since I've been here...but I am my mother's daughter PROUD TO BE AN AMERICAN.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011


Today was full off reminders, blessings, the Lord's great faithfulness and love.

It's labor day. The day my mom labored to have me. Sure appreciate all she ever did for me. Last year she gave me a birthday card with a clear bookmark that has butterflies on it. Last year was the last year on this earth my mom would say happy birthday to me. I am thankful for all of her words of encouragement.


Speaking of GOOD THINGS --- My husband woke up early before his busy school schedule and made breakfast for me...wrote me some thoughts from His heart. My friend Marty came by, thought we were going to pick black berries, but instead she had baked me a heart shaped chocolate cake. She also gave me a bag of gifts with a card. She said she tried to think what my mom would have wanted for me. That God loves me and that I might be feeling far away from my family, but God knows where I am. My mom loved light houses (Marty's card was a lighthouse). Mom also had a habit of not just giving one gift, but many. (Marty did the same thing by giving me so many useful things in one bag). Marty's only known me for barely three weeks...

Then we just moved into this basement apartment on Saturday (and it was Monday on my bday) and the lady that lives upstairs left a bag with a card and gifts on the porch. Gave me an antique tea cup and saucer, some very nice tea from her and her husband. Her birthday card was about "When the winds of change feel too strong..." very encouraging and such a blessing.

I look forward to Dylan coming home or getting out of school every day. And for some reason, He has had school everyday even on Sunday's here.  Today when he got out of school we picked up some pizza and cokes and when to a park to enjoy it. Met a 90 yr old man name Jim Schnell. We went to the recreation room in the basement of Columbia Bible College and played a few rounds of ping pong. (Man he's got skills!) He's learnin me all he knows. Whoa... I love playing with him!

So along with some calls from nephews and nieces, and sisters, some text msgs fom friends, and all the HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes from all of you... I felt very much loved. Thanks for caring and for every effort you make to be a true friend to someone today. You never know whose day you might be making something beautiful.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Packing and moving...packing and moving... it really does describe a good portion of my life. Ok ok I'll admit. I do like to MOVE.

So we were without the internet for a few days and nights and did not really have a way to contact you people that are trying to get a hold of us. My apologies.

We have now moved to another basement apartment that serves us well...has a beautiful's more permanant than the last one. We were staying in the last place temporarily until we found another. The place we are staying at now is exactly 2 miles from the school. 1 mile from shopping centers etc., So either of us can walk or run or bike if we wanted too instead of driving. The people seem very nice. The lady is a family counselor.

Sunday, August 28, 2011


Went to church this morning with Gordy and Karen to Abbotsford Baptist. Afterwards came home and then went to go look at a basement apartment possibility. Decided to get me a cup of something great to drink and then go for a Sunday drive to Hope going East on the Canadian Hwy 1.

 This is a little past halfway to Hope...possibly a few miles past Chilliwack. Mountains surrounding far and near, clear blue sky, a few clouds, windows rolled down...
                              And then at Skagit Road Park... found this little rushing river.

 Decided that I would wait to do any real exploring til Dylan's around. Snapped a couple of pictures of sunlight in the trees, drove past a few trails that looked interesting, saw a few cabins right near the river.
                                         On the drive back to Abbotsford, it was just as lovely.

Saturday, August 27, 2011


Drove to the end of Townline Rd today and snapped a picture, and then drove to the end of George Ferguson Rd and got another shot of Mt. Baker. I actually drove to the end of a few different roads today so that I could see what other roads they intercepted... I stopped back by the HOUSE OF JAMES and there was a live band playing in their coffee shop.

The Lady I met at the store the other day invited me to spend the day with her. We went to a thrift shop, I bought a few wooden bowls for .25 cents each. Another little .15 piece of wood to woodburn later on as a gift for someone.  We went to a cute little place for lunch.  Then I got a  hair cut and the lady cutting my hair said her boyfriend died 6 months ago. I'm too tired to write anymore of the details right now.

Talked to all three of my sisters tonight and one of my dearest friends earlier today.


Hard to realize sometimes just how faint our own hearts can be. Crying helps sometimes. Sleep helps too. Thinking upon the unchanging Word of God is what it takes for joy to come despite the gut wrenching turmoil of this life...

                    what's on the inside...sustains life. Nothing but the blood of Jesus.

Friday, August 26, 2011


Went to two different parks today. Renee was generous enough to ask me to go with her and her son for a walk at Mills Lake Park. Took a few pictures so you could see what I saw today. Very beautiful day here.  On my second walk I went to a park right down the street from where we're living, read 2-3 chapters in a book entitled, "Holding onto Hope" by a lady that lost someone close to her. I also sang, "Come Thou Fount" outloud all three verses. I walked to the post office. Got me something cold to drink, sat on the sidewalk and wrote three letters to some dear friends.

 Just realized today that lilly pads actually bloom. Quite lovely. Saw some turtles purched on some logs, but they were too far away for me to take their portrait since I do not have extended zooom on my cam.
 There were some memorials written on benches and stones that we passed by as we walked. Thought this one was worthy of capturing for others to read. It blessed my heart.
                                        Dylan will be returning in just a few more days! YEAH!!!!


Had a glorious day today...found two thrift stores, got some postcards, greetings cards, and some pieces of wood to burn in the future. Accidently found the HOUSE OF JAMES christian coffee house and bookstore. The Hagen's, Gordy and Karen, a couple I met on the plane back in February when I was in BC last time...they invited me over for a wonderful dinner and special time with them. They drove me to Eagle Mountain and down Mt Sumas road where the trees were illuminated with the sunset. I took a picture or two of Mt. Baker.

And then here's a few pictures from yesterdays drive down Mt. Lehman road...saw some hazelnut trees.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


Made it to Abbotsford BC the 19th. Staying in a basement 2 bdrm apartment (temporarily til we find other housing) that has been well taken care of and freshly painted by one of the College Professor's and his lovely wife. Their entire home is a small community ministry in itself.

Right across from the house we're living in there is a large (mosk looking) sekh temple for worshiping. It appears that a good part of the country of India lives here. So in a way, we're really in a different country, in a different country.

We met with a 91 year old gentlemen that we hope to be meeting with again. Turns out he's friends with the people I met on the plane back in February. They are both Gideon Bible folks. I met another lady at the grocery store who just happens to be friends with the people who own the house we're staying in. Both of the husbands are instructors at the College.

Dylan left for a six day Alpine hike. Wow. I miss him terribly and he's only been gone a few hours. I have not been a way from him for even one day since he came a week before mom died (four months ago). He left me some notes to read while he's gone. I'm sure he missed sleep writing them for me. He is so incredibly kind and thoughtful. He is such an awesome human being...I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me the gift that definetely describes "more than I could ask or think." I am so blessed.

So today I went exploring a little. Took a picture. Heard a song by Danny Michelle, "This is who's gonna miss you when you're gone." Little odd. Bought some postcards, local honey, three forks, and three spoons and some painting sponges. Knocked on the girls dorm room, looking for a girl name Jenny that I met back in February. Called the lady I met at the store and left a voice mail. Took a walk before sunset. Received word one of my dear friends had their baby Liliauna. Praise God for His tender mercies towards us all.

And now I lay me down to rest my all on the strong love that is taking care of all the ones I love in every place high and low. I will awake with joy, knowing, I will be found in Him - He that rules the world and comforts my soul.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Spending a little time with Jason and Samantha and their cutie pie children in Portland Oregon. Resting, laughing, and sharing hearts, ideas, music and whatever else we can find to smile about. Love the Millers so much - long time close friends of my family.

We're almost to our destination... Feel free to write us:

                                                    Columbia Bible College
                                                    2940 Clearbrook Road
                                                    Abbotsford, BC
                                                                    V2T 2Z8

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


We're some appy campers getting two days of seeing all our Red Cloud friends. Love the beauty of hearts and minds and the illuminated beauty of the mountains and trees, rivers and lakes and all that screams God's praise as we drive these old familiar roads again.

Leaving Lake City, CO today and heading for Portland, OR. Email is the best way to contact us at this point. Signal is off and on with our phones. Should be in Canada by 18th. He starts school on the 21st. Trusting the Lord with housing possibilities and all the hidden variables in between.

Sunday, August 14, 2011


Dylan and I left woodland park, CO today and will be spending the next two days at Camp Redcloud in Lake City, CO. Email or facebook if you want to get ahold of us.

The days are getting sweeter and sweeter as the days go by...

Friday, August 12, 2011


Sunflowers. Fields of them in Kansas. Crazy Skies. Beautiful Sunset. Took some pictures while Dylan was driving. (Will upload pics eventually) We left Columbia yesterday. Passed through kansas. Prairie Land. Cow Pastures. Corn Fields. Saw some cloud covers (storm chasers...not really). Stopped close to midnight and saw a FLY Inn (swarms of flies... have a good night's rest). We decided to keep driving or look somewhere else to sleep.

We'll be in Denver today for most of the day and possibly tonight.

Saturday, August 6, 2011


Today is three months to the day that I held my mothers feet when she passed. God is forever faithful. I miss my mom so much, but the Lord has never been nearer to me than now. Morning by morning His mercies are ever new.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


Dylan and I have been staying in Lillian, Alabama. Feeling very loved by the Liechty Family and our other friends here and in Pensacola. We have eight more days left here and then we will be on our way to Savannah to visit some with my family and celebrate Reagan's 3rd birthday. Then onto Missouri to visit with His family some, they are giving us a reception for His family members that were not able to make it to the wedding. We will be on our way to British Columbia by second week in August, where Dylan will be attending school for outdoor leadership.

It's looking like the best way to get a hold of us is to write an email and we can call you back on skype or you are welcome to handwrite us letter to:  P.O. Box 16644 Pensacola FL 32507   All mail will be forwarded to us in Canada.