Has your heart ever skipped a beat when the phone rings or if there is a knock on the door? There is something that is so delightful about true fellowship and reuniting in communion or getting to know a friend that truly rejoices the heart like nothing else. It is something to look forward to and hope for and patiently await the next opportunity for understanding to come...to know and be known.
What does your heartbeat for? Who does your heartbeat for? Are you hungry for another chance to talk to God? Do you long for His presence? Can you wait to hear His voice again? Do you keep His words close to you and play them back in your mind for comfort over and over again? Can you wait for the next time to get away and be alone...to listen and share when no one else is there?
Remember that out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks, so listen to your words throughout the course of a day, and observe what your heartbeats for. I pray you find that your heartbeats for the courts of the KING. To be where He is. His desire is for you.