Wednesday, December 31, 2008


Children that are not even three years old yet and have no access to a mirror can tell you that they are all messy or very dirty. I am so thankful for family, every day each of their lives are a narrative that I keep watching and learning from. Taking notes, making my requests known, receiving a love that I could never deserve.

Lord, I am so thankful that even though I am a mess most of the time, your love completely washes me and makes me clean.

Sunday, December 21, 2008


Promises written in a letter
What could say it better?
Spending time with family and true friends
Taking a walk and being moved by love
Observing the greatness of heart in my nieces and nephews
and being a part of their little lives as they grow up
I am one of the least of these
So thankful for the hot tea and the hugs
Protector Brothers and Dad and Mom
Prayer Warriors that stand with me
Interceding for me and my family
Daughters of the King
Who sit at Jesus feet and live for Him daily
So thankful for the opportunities to face fears
That there is a true friend that sticks closer than a brother
Though I am imperfect pile of dust, bones, and blood redeemed
True riches I believe is The Kingdom of God within me

Thursday, December 18, 2008


In hopes of giving someone a laugh I thought I would review a few moments of absolute silly-ness in my life. Besides falling up the stairs carrying groceries, body slamming myself down in a cow pasture, hanging upside down in my first few attempts to repell one time after climbing, opening a cardoor so hard I about knocked my own lights out, but instead I just broke the skin enough to give me a huge knot on my head. Poured out a half a jar of salad dressing on my plate on accident over at a friend's house for dinner. Jumped a fence that appeared to be locked but was actually open and not only that, but called a friend to help me get my computer bag over the fence after I had jumped it. Once I was safely on the other side, he leaned on the gate accidently and it opened. Lit a fire in a fireplace not too long ago while housesitting, and spent hours sword fighting the air with a half of a broom in attempts of ridding the house of three to five wasps. More than a few times now have started boiling water to make hot tea, the phone rings, and by the time I remember to check on the water I was boiling there are barely two drops left in the pot. This has happened more than a few times now.

I am sure I could keep thinking of others, but I think I will end with this one. As one of the outdoor leaders on a canoeing trip with the youth this last summer. Two of the kids in particular were not getting along, so me and another female counselor were discussing some solutions to the problem. Somehow within a few seconds we were launched up on a boulder rock in the middle of the river. Alot of the teams gear was strapped to our canoe (inflatable). While every one else watched us like we were America's funniest, her and I proceeded to dislodge ourselves through prayer and some super silly motions. It was ridiculous to say the least. We kept paddling and laughing so hard we could barely breath. And the unexpected worked wonders...the others were so distracted by our predicament they totally forgot they had any problems at all.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


In the middle of the night I heard extremely loud cracks of thunder and lightening. It was so loud that it made my heart pound and woke me from deep sleep. I was awake long enough to say, "Every one will fear God, the whole earth will fear you Lord." Then I layed back down to rest. Awoke this morning to continual's early afternoon and it's still raining out.

"When he made a decree for the rain, and a way for the lightening of the thunder...And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."Job 28:26, 28

"But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. Seeing then that all these things shall be dissolved, what manner of persons ought ye to be in all holy conversation and godliness..." II Peter 3:10-11

"For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God." Romans 14:11

Tuesday, December 9, 2008


I was listening to an old sermon yesterday and thought it would be beneficial if I shared these things with you. Eight things that shape your life whether you think so or not.
1)The literature you read will shape you
2)Songs you sing and the music you enjoy will determine what you are like inside
3)Pleasures you indulge in will influence your spiritual and physical life
4)Ambitions and what you think about
5)Places we go
6)Words we speak
7)Friends we cherish
8)The thoughts we brood over will determine the condition of our lives, the choices we make.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008


..."And certain women, which had been healed of evil spirits and infirmities...which ministered unto him of their substance." Luke 8:2-3 Jesus went throughout every city and village, preaching and showing the glad tidings of the Kingdom of God: and the twelve were with him, and certain women...

Ladies ~ do you go where He goes? Are you ministering to Him out of your substance? Where is your alabaster box? Is what you value most being poured upon Him? Do you think the woman that came to the Pharisee's house in the midst of a great gathering let her fear or insecurities stop her from falling at his feet and touching him? No. By the sound of things she was beside herself with adoration and thanks for who He was. While others ridiculed her in their thoughts, the King of Glory speaks aloud of her actions and tells her that her faith has saved her. Forgiven much. Loves Much.