Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Dylan is coming and I am so excited!!

Mom has been having moments of wondering where she's at and what all has happened. She still manages to make us all laugh. She told Michele and I that we are on a mini-vacation :) Michele and I couldn't believe she was reading our minds.

It is amazing how much peace you can have in the midst of such a storm when the PRINCE OF PEACE is on your side (in the boat with you). 

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


Hard last couple of weeks. Rough last few days. Traumatic day yesterday. I'll spare you most of the details for now. Mom slept good last night. This morning her arms are swollen and they are going to have to put a pick line in for IV fluids and meds. Her blood pressures up again. Her breathing sounds horrible. The Dr came in this morning at 7am told her that the cancer had matastised in the brain. He's giving her 3% sodium saline in attempts of drawing fluid away from the brain. Depending on how she does today he said he might send her home tomorrow.

I am fully persuaded that JESUS IS OUR HEALER and that the whole world is upheld by the Word of His power. I will fix my eyes on Him and rest my all against His chest, that includes My Mom. So thankful for your continued prayers and love for me and my family. HE IS FAITHFUL WHO PROMISED and HE WILL BRING IT TO COMPLETION.

Sunday, April 24, 2011


Appreciate more prayers for Mom and all of my siblings. Mom's passing through a really difficult time of some intense amounts of pain. She has not really been wanting to get out of bed at all, except to use the restroom. Eating almost nothing at all other than a few bites of watered down soup (maybe), and she's drinking some sips of water and a juice box.

The Lord is faithful in adversity. He alone is our ever present help in times of trouble. We will look to Him and be saved, delivered, set free, and radiant...our faces never covered with shame. I will hope now in Him. Praise Him more and more!

Wednesday, April 13, 2011


June 11 is the wedding day! If you have not received an invitation and would like to join the celebration please contact me.  

Thursday, April 7, 2011


The other day had a confession/conversation with one of my sisters about seeking the Lord as I should. She encouraged me to once again wake early and let nothing steal the gift of meeting with the Lord in the morning. Even if that means fasting sleep. Excuses try to take over our lives if we let them, keeping us from seeking His righteousness, and emptying our hearts of everything that is trying to weigh them down. I awoke at 4am this morning without an alarm THANKS BE TO GOD!

Started out giving thanks and then reading the scriptures aloud --- I have never been so awake! Prayed for so many that I have not prayed for in a while. I am so excited and thrilled for the love whose MERCY ENDURES FOREVER! I have been so exhausted from the ups and downs that seem to never stop coming, and I am so thankful for those who have encouraged me to press in and press on. Much is ours in Christ if we will just look unto Jesus. Thanks for praying for me.

Friday, April 1, 2011


Might as well give a quick update while I have a few minutes to spare this morning. I apologize for those of you who have been hoping I would post something more than nothing.

Moved mom into a 2bdrm rental place on the 18th of March. Our friends were so generous to allow us to stay with them and share all they had until we were able to find the right place. Mom's last two days of radiation was delayed due to continual pain she was having in her chest as a result of the side effects of treatment. She was admitted to the hospital for two and half days until she was rehydrated and able to swallow again without having severe burning pains in her esophagus.

Wednesday Mom had another follow up appt with Oncologist. They're suggesting a different kind of chemo treatment from now until the end of her days. Saying that she'll probably only have a 3 out of 10 chance of making it through. Other option is so many weeks to live without any treatment at all. We're going with neither of those options. She's going to take about a month off and expect the Lord to intervene.