Monday, June 20, 2011


Lots and lots going on. Life seems so crazy sometimes. Mom died and now I am married. Everything happens so fast. I am thankful. Thankful that I am here (near my family) and abiding in the Vine. Looking forward to new life, each day with Dylan, and struggling through the diversity of major changes so close together (the chapters turn and the pages fade) wading through memories of hardships, sufferings, and precious moments with Mom.

A whole lot of quiet going on inside me these days. Starting the season of grieving and as always throughout my life... I find somewhere to sit in the sun and reflect - even if it's just for a few minutes. The summer sun melts away the sadness and I am able to face reality one tear drop at a time. I have gotten a phone call here and there or a card at just the right time from a friend or some of my friend's moms. It really does help.