Wednesday, October 27, 2010


Mom had to have another blood transfusion today. Her platelets and hemaglobin were really low. 

Wednesday, October 13, 2010


O Lord, please give us all endurance to do what is right before us. Mom had her dr appt today. Blood levels were pretty much back to normal. (THANK YOU LORD!)  She's been really tired of being tired. 

Today the Dr strongly suggested that she do the two more rounds of chemo immediately. He said that these would be spaced out 4 weeks at a time. He said that he had a meeting with more than a handful of other specialist about the last reports and the progress so far, and they all highly suggested and so does he, for Mom to follow through with treatment until there are no spots at all (tears will soon turn to joy, weakness will become strength).

So she started her 5th round of chemo today.  After treatment today her blood pressure was running a little low. Thanks for the non stop prayer on our behalf ... I cannot tell you how necessary it really is. Our hope is still in the One whose COMPASSIONS FAILETH NOT.

Thursday, October 7, 2010


God is bigger than shadows, circumstances, difficulties, weaknesses, and uncertainties. Mom came back from her appointment yesterday and the pet scan showed the majority of the mass that had been on her left lung was gone. The report says something like a shadow remains. There are two small spots on her right lung that are on the report as unresolved. It was suggested to her to go two more rounds of chemo or wait two months and then come back for more test to be done. We're still waiting for her blood levels to return to normal...

We are believing that Mom is completely healed and her strength is returning and she will live and declare the works of the Lord! So thankful for all of your prayers and support throughout the days and months, you have encouraged us so much. God has provided all that we have need of. His faithfulness does not depend on us.

Since memorial day in May Mom has not worked, she's not received pay, was not approved for sick leave time or emergency sick leave pay. She was told she was over 62 yrs old so not eligable for disability help through her work (Federal Gov), but that she would have to go through Social Security to apply for disability even though she was 100% disabled according to the doctor's reports of giving her only so long to live. Mom was approved for SS disability, but would not receive first payment until december or so. Meanwhile, rent is due and bills are coming in just like they always do. She could not get her retirement yet because she was not 65 yrs old. So regardless of the fact that she had zero income, had been paying some of her medical out of pocket, because she had made over $9,000 within the year she was not able to receive any sort of pention from V.A.  Two days ago Mom rcvd a call from the Social Security office letting her know that she will be receiving social security disability check and social security retirement check... retirement check is retro active from June. She will not have to wait until december.