The line in this song that says, "IF I'M YOUR BELOVED THAN HELP ME BELIEVE IT." I think that's what all women want to express this to their husbands, but maybe it comes out all wrong. Maybe what comes out is something that sounds more like complaining and hurtful remarks. The Lord tells us all the time, in so many different ways, how much HE LOVES US and how much we mean to Him. And your husband needs to hear and know and be convinced of what he means to you Dear Lady. So show him and ask God how many different ways you could bless him and make him sure of your love and faithfulness.
Tell the people in your life what they mean to you. Tomorrow could be too late. Yesterday is history. Today is the gift we have been given. Just thought I would share this ...
Tell the people in your life what they mean to you. Tomorrow could be too late. Yesterday is history. Today is the gift we have been given. Just thought I would share this ...