Monday, October 31, 2011


Happy Birthday to Rebecka, Nathan, Jesse, Cindy, and Daniel!

Attended one or two of Dylan's 'field days.' One was at school and one was out at Sumas Mt. Enjoyed the days with him and his classmates.

Had a friend in from California (Deanna) last weekend painted some paintings together, went to a park, went for a walk, took some pictures. It was wonderful having her here.

I started taking piano lessons on Tuesdays. One of Dylan's instructors gave us a keyboard that no one was using in his garage. The only thing it needed was an adapter. We went to a thrift store today and picked one up... it fit perfectly.

We have a couch given to us by a friend, a light hanging up in our living room by dental floss, and Dylan bought me an electric blanket. I am so thankful for where we are and what the Lord is doing in our lives... the Lord is so faithful and constant in directing our circumstances from day to day. 

The joy of baking and sharing sweet things. Been baking some pumpkin bread, chocolate chip cookies, banana chocolate chip bread. Had another friend over last night (Ben), we enjoyed getting to know him, and sharing histories.

Saturday, October 22, 2011


Twenty days have gone by since last post. Lots more has happened. My heart has never been more thankful. Yet somehow circumstances have me on the brink of tears.

Sunday, October 2, 2011


Guess I failed to mention that my car was stolen in Kansas City about 10 days ago while my little sis was on a mission trip to mexico. In the trunk was my dejembe drum, a large bag of Mom's clothes that Michele was going to make us six kids quilts out of, and possibly a tupperware container of some of my stuff...winter clothes/journals/skates. So if anyone happens to see it - call the police THANKS. It is a 96 Oldsmobile Ciera. Four door, beige, with Florida tags (they will be exspired since I will not renew them while the car is stolen).

Praying that the Lord will bless the thief with a guilty conscious and that he/she will put the car back where it was parked. In front of Michele's house.


Split pea soup.
2-3cups of cooked split peas seasoned well with bacon. Boil the split peas once cooked in a pot with 2 cups water, a quarter to half of chopped onion, a stick of celery cut up, carrots (as many as you like), squeeze a half of lemon in there, 1/4 cup milk, 4 good slices of cheddar. Add salt and pepper to your taste.

The update from here is...Dylan's been home for more days this last week. His schedule has changed to school on Tues, Wed, Thursdays. Lots of homework still. And he volunteers on Tues after school at Mission without Borders. I've been going to class with him twice a week to the Outdoor Leadership Class. I've lost track of time. I've been baking cakes and cookies and writing notes here and there. Started painting again.

Read chapter 13 FROM ETERNITY TO HERE. I've been thinking about the Lord alot lately. How close we are to FOREVER. The power of His word. How much He has answered prayer. How perfect His plans always are. I want to hug my nieces and nephews. I want to write so many letters. I want every moment that I live to count for Jesus name. So I guess I'll keep on attempting to write recipes and songs and letters, and painting pictures and poetry, and making food with love and prayers just like Mom always did. Every now and then I hear her saying, "JUST BELIEVE..." and though it's hard sometimes --- I will face what I feel, sorrow until I'm healed...keep giving thanks.