Thought some of you might appreciate a few pictures of where I've been. The last few weeks have been such an overwhelming display of God's love for me, I hardly know where to begin...
So I will start with giving THANKS to my Gracious, Kind, and Merciful Heavenly Father for going overboard in fulfilling this little girl's desires. There is none like You, Oh, Lord.
I spent New Year's in Missouri. Every day since has been pure joy.
It was a severe blessing to accompany Dylan on most of his journey from Missouri to Oregon. He continued on to British Columbia for school. I spent a few days in Oregon and then drove with my friends to San Diego, CA. I was there for about a week before heading back to Georgia. I am missing him more than I ever thought was humanly possible to miss someone.
Thanks to all for your prayers, for taking time to visit and catch up when you can, and for sharing your hearts and for continuing to be a blessing to me and to all who cross your path. Stay encouraged as you heavily rely upon the Lord to sustain you and keep you by His strong arms in these last days. And I will do the same.