Thursday, April 7, 2011


The other day had a confession/conversation with one of my sisters about seeking the Lord as I should. She encouraged me to once again wake early and let nothing steal the gift of meeting with the Lord in the morning. Even if that means fasting sleep. Excuses try to take over our lives if we let them, keeping us from seeking His righteousness, and emptying our hearts of everything that is trying to weigh them down. I awoke at 4am this morning without an alarm THANKS BE TO GOD!

Started out giving thanks and then reading the scriptures aloud --- I have never been so awake! Prayed for so many that I have not prayed for in a while. I am so excited and thrilled for the love whose MERCY ENDURES FOREVER! I have been so exhausted from the ups and downs that seem to never stop coming, and I am so thankful for those who have encouraged me to press in and press on. Much is ours in Christ if we will just look unto Jesus. Thanks for praying for me.