Tuesday, June 16, 2009


I Corinthians 3 talks about each person's work is going to be tested by fire and will be revealed for what it is. Just wondering what we think the fire looks like in our daily lives? Do you think that our difficulties and hardships could hardly be considered fire? Or maybe anything that is a discomfort or distraction? What seems to be getting under your skin and taking you to Wit's end.

There's no need to buckle, complain, or think that this is the end of the road. Get your running shoes on and take the challenge head on. You are in a race. Most people would walk out or run from their problems...you run to Jesus. You run with endurance and with a determination to never give up.

Nothing like an ugly situation or circumstance to knock your pride down and slap you back to reality. When we are squeezed or pushed we spill what we are full of. What comes out of us at a moment of intensity usually points out what is really going on inside, all that has been hiding behind the nice clothes and make up and muscles...

Someone so desperately in need of crying out to Jesus.

I Corinthians 10:12
Wherefore let him that thinketh that he stand, take heed, lest he fall.