Alarms going off. Waters boiling over. Toast is burning. Things we hear, feel, and see. Little indicators and possible reflections of something deeper than the surface. Attitude check normally does not happen until it's too late. Seems if I put off what is necessary until later, later becomes something I regret or I would have done differently had I been living according to the spirit instead of the flesh. Interesting how EVER WORD OF GOD PROVES TRUE. He is a shield to all who come to him for protection. (Proverbs 30:5)
If only I would come to HIM more than I do. Taking His word to heart and mind and obeying the truth...laying my thinking down and taking no thought for my life and realizing it is my Father's good pleasure to give me the Kingdom, so fret not. Life is a constant state of spirit vs flesh, but I rejoice in knowing that HE WHO HAS OVERCOME THE EVIL ONE lives to make intercession for me and HE IS DOING THE WORK and FINISHING what HE has begun in me.