Sunday, May 9, 2010


I've been at Camp RedCloud in Lake City, Colorado since April 27 and most likely will be here until May 14th.  Helping out a bit in the kitchen. It's been wonderful seeing old friends and some new faces. Trusting that my mom and family is being taken care of and that I am exactly where I need to be.

One night after breathing the cold air, looking up at the skyline, viewing the blanket of stars, and feeling exhausted (in a good way) from a long day's work --- I was thinking outloud. Remembering how I felt when I left home that I just needed to be somewhere else for a little while. A change of scenery maybe. Though it has been a joy to my heart to be home and spending time with my family, and it might be necessary to get a way every now and then. It is very wonderful seeing people I love that I have not seen in a while. What matters most? Location does not matter so much. What matters is if I determine in my heart to seek God or not. If I seek Him, I will find Him. If I do not seek Him, I will go on in my busy-ness and be overwhelmed and stressed out and anxious about many things.

When I seek God I will always have something of Him to give, because He draws near to those who draw near to Him. When we draw near to God - He is the all consuming fire and our flesh starts cooking, shedding, burning, losing self and gaining Him who is our strength.

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