Friday, May 28, 2010


Who is helping you? And who are you helping? I pray that instead of focusing on your own needs you will look around you and see who needs what. What if you have something that could help your neighbor? But just because you never bothered to ask if they needed anything you had no idea.

I want to hear some stories of people that are willing to do whatever it takes to help those around them.  You will be amazed to find that all you need to help someone is exactly what you have. Nothing more, nothing less.

May I suggest you go to my WRITE IT DOWN blog and look on the right hand side and read the one entitled MISSION LISTEN. Be encouraged. Be generous. Help someone and you will be helped.

Monday, May 24, 2010


Yesterday as I was passing through Chattanooga I stopped to get a bite to eat and to have tea with a girlfriend of mine. Hope was our server's name. I believe that every single time we take time to pray with one another HOPE IS SERVING US. Just a thought.

Sunday, May 9, 2010


I've been at Camp RedCloud in Lake City, Colorado since April 27 and most likely will be here until May 14th.  Helping out a bit in the kitchen. It's been wonderful seeing old friends and some new faces. Trusting that my mom and family is being taken care of and that I am exactly where I need to be.

One night after breathing the cold air, looking up at the skyline, viewing the blanket of stars, and feeling exhausted (in a good way) from a long day's work --- I was thinking outloud. Remembering how I felt when I left home that I just needed to be somewhere else for a little while. A change of scenery maybe. Though it has been a joy to my heart to be home and spending time with my family, and it might be necessary to get a way every now and then. It is very wonderful seeing people I love that I have not seen in a while. What matters most? Location does not matter so much. What matters is if I determine in my heart to seek God or not. If I seek Him, I will find Him. If I do not seek Him, I will go on in my busy-ness and be overwhelmed and stressed out and anxious about many things.

When I seek God I will always have something of Him to give, because He draws near to those who draw near to Him. When we draw near to God - He is the all consuming fire and our flesh starts cooking, shedding, burning, losing self and gaining Him who is our strength.