Sunday, December 19, 2010
Glorious joy barely describes the last two months. The last two weeks have been some of the most incredible of all. And the last two days are almost beyond describing. Thinking of him day and night. My heart is overwhelmed with thanksgiving for His sweet love. His laughter is music to my heart. Daily longing His presence... cannot wait to see Him again!
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Packed up... heading out... moving on. Driving all night long to Savannah, Ga in a few hours. Looking forward to spending time with my nieces, my sister and her family, and most of all my sweet loving Warrior Knight.
Friday, December 3, 2010
Still in the process of moving. Suspecting we'll be completely out by this coming Tuesday. I'll let you know if our speculations are correct.
Thought I would take a few minutes and write some thoughts down. My prayer list grows over night.
....some people have lost their jobs, some people have no where to go, some are concerned how they will provide anything for their children this christmas. Some are struggling to say the least, others are contemplating throwing in the towel on their spouse and family. Some have just come through surgery. Some have lost loved ones. Some are grieving over loved ones they dearly miss who passed on last year around this time.
For all of these, there is a Saviour. There is a word that is sure. We have the power to endure hardship and difficulty. Heavenly perspective on what is eternal and temporary. Been given everything we need for life and godliness. Comforter. Counselor. Light unto your path. An anchor for your soul. What are you going to do? Make your move.
Thought I would take a few minutes and write some thoughts down. My prayer list grows over night.
....some people have lost their jobs, some people have no where to go, some are concerned how they will provide anything for their children this christmas. Some are struggling to say the least, others are contemplating throwing in the towel on their spouse and family. Some have just come through surgery. Some have lost loved ones. Some are grieving over loved ones they dearly miss who passed on last year around this time.
For all of these, there is a Saviour. There is a word that is sure. We have the power to endure hardship and difficulty. Heavenly perspective on what is eternal and temporary. Been given everything we need for life and godliness. Comforter. Counselor. Light unto your path. An anchor for your soul. What are you going to do? Make your move.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
GOD HAS GIVEN US EVERYTHING WE NEED FOR LIFE AND GODLINESS. WE MUST CHOOSE TO OBEY HIM and BE FREE from all that seeks to make us ineffective and unfruitful in the knowledge of HIM.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Mom went to the dr today. Blood lab work looks mostly good, platelets are very low. Scans showed the left mass was gone. The two spots on her right lung have shrunk more. They want her to come back in ten days for more blood work. Then two months later for more scans and progress reports. Today the pik line came out from mom's arm & the main artery in her heart...where she's been getting the blood transfusions and chemo treatments.
We're in the middle of packing, moving, and waiting on further direction... thanks for your prayers.
If anyone needs some assistance or provision for thanksgiving dinner please email with your needs or mentioning the needs of others. If anyone knows a military member overseas or not able to come home for the holidays, anyone who has lost their parents, spouse, or other family member and you would like them to receive encouragement over the holidays, email their information and they will receive encouragement/package. Giving thanks for all we've been given and reminding you how much YOU ARE LOVED BY THE KING.
We're in the middle of packing, moving, and waiting on further direction... thanks for your prayers.
If anyone needs some assistance or provision for thanksgiving dinner please email with your needs or mentioning the needs of others. If anyone knows a military member overseas or not able to come home for the holidays, anyone who has lost their parents, spouse, or other family member and you would like them to receive encouragement over the holidays, email their information and they will receive encouragement/package. Giving thanks for all we've been given and reminding you how much YOU ARE LOVED BY THE KING.
Friends of mine in Oregon just called to ask for urgent prayers for a family member and his girlfriend they were in a car accident saturday. Jesse broke his jaw in three places; his girlfriend, Tessa, had collapsed lung, broken pelvis, crushed vertebrae, and is still on oxygen. Appreciate all the prayers of the saints that these two, and especially the girl will walk again and will be completely whole.
Also, Another friend of mine has a nephew, d'Cyple is only 5 years old and has been battling allergies since his 15 month immunization shot and nothing has seemed to work in favor of his healing. He wears a full onesy pajama almost everyday of his life, just to keep his body covered up. Every thing that he eats will send his body into a reaction, so it's extremely difficult to find any foods that his body won't reject.
At this point, the doctor thinks he has an auto-immune problem. Basically, his body is allergic to itself and is rejecting itself. There have been only two foods that his body seems to not respond to, too greatly; meet and beans, and only when they are cooked for over 12 hours in a crock pot. His mom Sarah has three other boys, so needless to say she could use our prayers and encouragements. Feel free to send her an encouragement.
Also, Another friend of mine has a nephew, d'Cyple is only 5 years old and has been battling allergies since his 15 month immunization shot and nothing has seemed to work in favor of his healing. He wears a full onesy pajama almost everyday of his life, just to keep his body covered up. Every thing that he eats will send his body into a reaction, so it's extremely difficult to find any foods that his body won't reject.
At this point, the doctor thinks he has an auto-immune problem. Basically, his body is allergic to itself and is rejecting itself. There have been only two foods that his body seems to not respond to, too greatly; meet and beans, and only when they are cooked for over 12 hours in a crock pot. His mom Sarah has three other boys, so needless to say she could use our prayers and encouragements. Feel free to send her an encouragement.
Thursday, November 11, 2010
I just got back from a few perfectly wonderful days in Missouri...thankfully.
Mom had her last round of treatment the last three days. Her blood work has improved. She has three more doctor appointments in the next few days. Along with Mom needing to recover from this last round of treatment, we're in a little bit of a time crunch. We need to move out of this current residence by Dec 1. At the moment still no idea of where that might be. Trusting the Lord to lead us hour by hour.
Mom had her last round of treatment the last three days. Her blood work has improved. She has three more doctor appointments in the next few days. Along with Mom needing to recover from this last round of treatment, we're in a little bit of a time crunch. We need to move out of this current residence by Dec 1. At the moment still no idea of where that might be. Trusting the Lord to lead us hour by hour.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Mom had to have another blood transfusion today. Her platelets and hemaglobin were really low.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
O Lord, please give us all endurance to do what is right before us. Mom had her dr appt today. Blood levels were pretty much back to normal. (THANK YOU LORD!) She's been really tired of being tired.
Today the Dr strongly suggested that she do the two more rounds of chemo immediately. He said that these would be spaced out 4 weeks at a time. He said that he had a meeting with more than a handful of other specialist about the last reports and the progress so far, and they all highly suggested and so does he, for Mom to follow through with treatment until there are no spots at all (tears will soon turn to joy, weakness will become strength).
So she started her 5th round of chemo today. After treatment today her blood pressure was running a little low. Thanks for the non stop prayer on our behalf ... I cannot tell you how necessary it really is. Our hope is still in the One whose COMPASSIONS FAILETH NOT.
Today the Dr strongly suggested that she do the two more rounds of chemo immediately. He said that these would be spaced out 4 weeks at a time. He said that he had a meeting with more than a handful of other specialist about the last reports and the progress so far, and they all highly suggested and so does he, for Mom to follow through with treatment until there are no spots at all (tears will soon turn to joy, weakness will become strength).
So she started her 5th round of chemo today. After treatment today her blood pressure was running a little low. Thanks for the non stop prayer on our behalf ... I cannot tell you how necessary it really is. Our hope is still in the One whose COMPASSIONS FAILETH NOT.
Thursday, October 7, 2010
God is bigger than shadows, circumstances, difficulties, weaknesses, and uncertainties. Mom came back from her appointment yesterday and the pet scan showed the majority of the mass that had been on her left lung was gone. The report says something like a shadow remains. There are two small spots on her right lung that are on the report as unresolved. It was suggested to her to go two more rounds of chemo or wait two months and then come back for more test to be done. We're still waiting for her blood levels to return to normal...
We are believing that Mom is completely healed and her strength is returning and she will live and declare the works of the Lord! So thankful for all of your prayers and support throughout the days and months, you have encouraged us so much. God has provided all that we have need of. His faithfulness does not depend on us.
Since memorial day in May Mom has not worked, she's not received pay, was not approved for sick leave time or emergency sick leave pay. She was told she was over 62 yrs old so not eligable for disability help through her work (Federal Gov), but that she would have to go through Social Security to apply for disability even though she was 100% disabled according to the doctor's reports of giving her only so long to live. Mom was approved for SS disability, but would not receive first payment until december or so. Meanwhile, rent is due and bills are coming in just like they always do. She could not get her retirement yet because she was not 65 yrs old. So regardless of the fact that she had zero income, had been paying some of her medical out of pocket, because she had made over $9,000 within the year she was not able to receive any sort of pention from V.A. Two days ago Mom rcvd a call from the Social Security office letting her know that she will be receiving social security disability check and social security retirement check... retirement check is retro active from June. She will not have to wait until december.
We are believing that Mom is completely healed and her strength is returning and she will live and declare the works of the Lord! So thankful for all of your prayers and support throughout the days and months, you have encouraged us so much. God has provided all that we have need of. His faithfulness does not depend on us.
Since memorial day in May Mom has not worked, she's not received pay, was not approved for sick leave time or emergency sick leave pay. She was told she was over 62 yrs old so not eligable for disability help through her work (Federal Gov), but that she would have to go through Social Security to apply for disability even though she was 100% disabled according to the doctor's reports of giving her only so long to live. Mom was approved for SS disability, but would not receive first payment until december or so. Meanwhile, rent is due and bills are coming in just like they always do. She could not get her retirement yet because she was not 65 yrs old. So regardless of the fact that she had zero income, had been paying some of her medical out of pocket, because she had made over $9,000 within the year she was not able to receive any sort of pention from V.A. Two days ago Mom rcvd a call from the Social Security office letting her know that she will be receiving social security disability check and social security retirement check... retirement check is retro active from June. She will not have to wait until december.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Mom had her blood lab work done today. Her blood pressure was extremely low. Her platelet level was in the twenties and it was not supposed to be below 150 and a few other levels were down or up...from normal. She had to have another blood transfusion. She's home and resting now. Going for a scan on monday or wed to hopefully give her the updated results of all the treatments. HOpefully her blood levels will have improved. Thanks for praying.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
The Lord has continually kept Mom. She started her 4th and last round of chemo. She's been resting alot, or trying to. Her blood work the last two follow ups have been highly abnormal. Today all was well and good. Not too much to report. Still believing that all the financial stuff is going to work out and that Mom will know for sure what she should do as the time is approaching for her rental agreement to be up. Confident the Lord will provide all the details and direction.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Thanks be to God who restores us to Himself. He is with us in the storms and struggles and pain. Mom is home again after six days in the hospital. CT Scan showed considerable shrinkage of the masses. Her left lung is starting to open up again. The incredible sore throat is gone that was keeping her from swallowing, and preventing her from injesting any liquids. Her blood work is improving and still needs to improve more. Tuesday is her next lab appointment to check bloodwork. She's still on antibiotics. There is talk about cutting her next dose of chemo (if she continues it) will be cut in half.
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Mom's been in the hospital for the last 4-5 days. All the days and nights are kind of blurring together. She had such an extreme sore throat that she could not even swallow water. I'll spare you the painful details. Her blood platelet levels went from 36 to 13 to 10. The dr ordered a blood transfusion and a seperate platelet transfusion. She's been having fevers off and on. Antibiotics back to back. Her white blood count was down to 1 point something. She now has a PICC in her main artery from her arm directly to her heart where they are now putting in and taking out fluids and blood. I really appreciate all of your prayers and the love that you have shown.
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Today's blood work was better. White blood count was low (as it should be) and platelet levels were up to 200-something (THANK GOD). She started second round of chemo today. Last for three days. Then eighteen days of passing through the valley. On the 11th she's scheduled for ct scans. The 18th of Aug will be the results of the progress.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Mom had fever on Sat night and Sunday morning. Started having bad pain in her side that turned to burning by second day. Hair started coming out more, so for the time being she cut her hair off.
She had an appt for xrays today and so far no results. They could not tell her what the pain was, but prescribed pain meds that she does not plan on taking at the moment. Her breathing has improved since she's been on oxygen. Her blood platelet level was 117 today which is closer to 150 what it should be, Thank God.
She had an appt for xrays today and so far no results. They could not tell her what the pain was, but prescribed pain meds that she does not plan on taking at the moment. Her breathing has improved since she's been on oxygen. Her blood platelet level was 117 today which is closer to 150 what it should be, Thank God.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
Mom went to the oncologist three days ago. Her bloodwork showed that her platelet levels were extremely low. Platelet level was at 39 and it's supposed to be 150. She fighting discouragement on a few different levels.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Mom started chemo on the 7th of this month. So far she has had no side effects except for sleeping around the clock some days. Sleep is the body's natural way to heal itself so we don't see it as anything bad. Appreciate all your prayers and support.
Thankful for the friends that sent mom the Juice plus complete stuff. We just got it in the mail yesterday. Mom also rcvd 4 dozen roses from Afghanistan.
Tues mom goes to the oncologist and I'll try to write another update then.
Thankful for the friends that sent mom the Juice plus complete stuff. We just got it in the mail yesterday. Mom also rcvd 4 dozen roses from Afghanistan.
Tues mom goes to the oncologist and I'll try to write another update then.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
Monday, June 28, 2010
Congratulations and thank God for answered prayers! Some of my dearest, most faithful friends of all --- Jeff & Kara, Kipp & Renee, Dannon & Kyndel, Kirk & Elizabeth, Jordan & Rebecca, and anyone else that is committing to lay down your life for your friend. I pray that you continue to celebrate the goodness of our great God and King and how perfectly he orchestrates everything. I love you so much.
Saturday, June 19, 2010
I would appreciate immediately constant prayers on behalf of my mom. She was recently given the diagnosis of small cell cancer in her left lung. Most likely she will not be going back to work, but she is unable to receive her retirement benefits as of yet bc of her age. The Lord is faithful and will provide.
I am believing the unfailing Word of God that heals all of our diseases and forgives all of our iniquities. She will be completely restored, healed, and whole. So thankful for your continual prayers...
I am believing the unfailing Word of God that heals all of our diseases and forgives all of our iniquities. She will be completely restored, healed, and whole. So thankful for your continual prayers...
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
And then today I went for a walk and there was a red sticky oily substance on my feet that I scrubbed off with baby oil and foot scrub. These are the pictures I took today. Evidently the coral washing up on shore is bringing the oil and chemicals with it. I'll post more pictures later.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Speaking of needing help, I could use some fervent prayers for my mother. A few days ago she had some x-rays done on her chest and found out she had pseumonia for the 3rd time in a year. They wanted her to get CT scans and did a biopsy. We're passing through alot these next few days. Could use all the praying friends I can find right now. Thanks for caring.
Friday, May 28, 2010
Who is helping you? And who are you helping? I pray that instead of focusing on your own needs you will look around you and see who needs what. What if you have something that could help your neighbor? But just because you never bothered to ask if they needed anything you had no idea.
I want to hear some stories of people that are willing to do whatever it takes to help those around them. You will be amazed to find that all you need to help someone is exactly what you have. Nothing more, nothing less.
May I suggest you go to my WRITE IT DOWN blog and look on the right hand side and read the one entitled MISSION LISTEN. Be encouraged. Be generous. Help someone and you will be helped.
I want to hear some stories of people that are willing to do whatever it takes to help those around them. You will be amazed to find that all you need to help someone is exactly what you have. Nothing more, nothing less.
May I suggest you go to my WRITE IT DOWN blog and look on the right hand side and read the one entitled MISSION LISTEN. Be encouraged. Be generous. Help someone and you will be helped.
Monday, May 24, 2010
Yesterday as I was passing through Chattanooga I stopped to get a bite to eat and to have tea with a girlfriend of mine. Hope was our server's name. I believe that every single time we take time to pray with one another HOPE IS SERVING US. Just a thought.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
I've been at Camp RedCloud in Lake City, Colorado since April 27 and most likely will be here until May 14th. Helping out a bit in the kitchen. It's been wonderful seeing old friends and some new faces. Trusting that my mom and family is being taken care of and that I am exactly where I need to be.
One night after breathing the cold air, looking up at the skyline, viewing the blanket of stars, and feeling exhausted (in a good way) from a long day's work --- I was thinking outloud. Remembering how I felt when I left home that I just needed to be somewhere else for a little while. A change of scenery maybe. Though it has been a joy to my heart to be home and spending time with my family, and it might be necessary to get a way every now and then. It is very wonderful seeing people I love that I have not seen in a while. What matters most? Location does not matter so much. What matters is if I determine in my heart to seek God or not. If I seek Him, I will find Him. If I do not seek Him, I will go on in my busy-ness and be overwhelmed and stressed out and anxious about many things.
When I seek God I will always have something of Him to give, because He draws near to those who draw near to Him. When we draw near to God - He is the all consuming fire and our flesh starts cooking, shedding, burning, losing self and gaining Him who is our strength.
One night after breathing the cold air, looking up at the skyline, viewing the blanket of stars, and feeling exhausted (in a good way) from a long day's work --- I was thinking outloud. Remembering how I felt when I left home that I just needed to be somewhere else for a little while. A change of scenery maybe. Though it has been a joy to my heart to be home and spending time with my family, and it might be necessary to get a way every now and then. It is very wonderful seeing people I love that I have not seen in a while. What matters most? Location does not matter so much. What matters is if I determine in my heart to seek God or not. If I seek Him, I will find Him. If I do not seek Him, I will go on in my busy-ness and be overwhelmed and stressed out and anxious about many things.
When I seek God I will always have something of Him to give, because He draws near to those who draw near to Him. When we draw near to God - He is the all consuming fire and our flesh starts cooking, shedding, burning, losing self and gaining Him who is our strength.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Trying to "think out of the box" can be a bit challenging when you are surrounded by boxes. Packing is always a great time to discover the treasures you have long forgotten. He leads me...even in this. How not to waste time, what needs to go, and what is to be prepared for a later time.
Saturday, April 10, 2010
It's good to take some time out, because you never know what's next. Time to reflect, to rest, to write some things down. Time to text the next step forward and leave yesterday behind. Time to move...
Thursday, April 1, 2010
On a sidenote I was thrilled to see a Man of God standing at a busy intersection today, holding up a cross for everyone to see. On it was written: JESUS CHRIST WANTS YOU BACK!
I was reminded tonight of Aspin trees and how they are one of the largest living organisms, because they are all connected at the root. Those who are truly seeking God are rooted and grounded in love as a member of the Body of Christ. Keeping heavenly perspectives, our minds renewed daily, keeps us connected to the head which is Christ Jesus, our roots are grounded in His perfect love.
Yesterday a friend of mine showed me this big ball of roots that he dug up from his back yard. There were piles of roots and stems and branches everywhere. In reflection, before I layed down to sleep lastnight I wrote this down:
I was reminded tonight of Aspin trees and how they are one of the largest living organisms, because they are all connected at the root. Those who are truly seeking God are rooted and grounded in love as a member of the Body of Christ. Keeping heavenly perspectives, our minds renewed daily, keeps us connected to the head which is Christ Jesus, our roots are grounded in His perfect love.
Yesterday a friend of mine showed me this big ball of roots that he dug up from his back yard. There were piles of roots and stems and branches everywhere. In reflection, before I layed down to sleep lastnight I wrote this down:
Sunday, March 28, 2010
HAPPY BIRTHDAY JONATHAN! You and Sarah (and Jada) have blessed me just by BEEING who you are. So while I hope you thoroughly enjoyed your beach bday party today and everyone that showed up... I was out looking at some places with mom in beulah. I think I found you some bees. If I could have thought of a way to put them in my backpack I would have.
Spent the night at Kenny & Melanie's the other night. So that I would be able to go to the boys games with them. Got a few adorable pictures to show. All of my nephews are incredible blessings to my heart and extreme fountains of joy to all who are able to meet them.
I would like to encourage all, to take time to communicate, to write some letters, to make a call or two, go visit someone. Let someone know what's going on with you. Find out how your friends are when you get the chance. Maybe spend a little less time with electronics and a little more time with those who can give you a living response. I'm just sayin'...
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Watching the storms roll on in, the wind is picking up, and the sun is peaking behind the heavy clouds.
Left on thursday with my cousin Frann to bury her mom. The funeral was friday. I think more people should attend funerals, it might improve their quality of life. Watching the reality of dust to dust, ashes to ashes, and one day death will be swallowed up in life. The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of the Lord stands forever.
Loved hugging my nieces and sister for a few minutes. Now, I'm back in Fl/Alabama, and I had dinner last night with my other sister, her husband, and their four boys.
Still appreciate all of your prayers for Frann and if anyone wants to bring her a dinner, call or visit, now would definetely be the time. THANKS.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH. I thank God for blessings you with the sweetest heart alive.
Left on thursday with my cousin Frann to bury her mom. The funeral was friday. I think more people should attend funerals, it might improve their quality of life. Watching the reality of dust to dust, ashes to ashes, and one day death will be swallowed up in life. The grass withers, the flowers fade, but the Word of the Lord stands forever.
Loved hugging my nieces and sister for a few minutes. Now, I'm back in Fl/Alabama, and I had dinner last night with my other sister, her husband, and their four boys.
Still appreciate all of your prayers for Frann and if anyone wants to bring her a dinner, call or visit, now would definetely be the time. THANKS.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY MICHELE! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU SO MUCH. I thank God for blessings you with the sweetest heart alive.
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord:
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on."
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Since God is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
While God is marching on.
He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
by Julia W. Howe
November 1861
He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
His truth is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His truth is marching on.
I have seen Him in the watch-fires of a hundred circling camps,
They have builded Him an altar in the evening dews and damps;
I can read His righteous sentence by the dim and flaring lamps:
His day is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
His day is marching on.
I have read a fiery gospel writ in burnished rows of steel:
"As ye deal with my contemners, so with you my grace shall deal;
Let the Hero, born of woman, crush the serpent with his heel,
Since God is marching on."
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Since God is marching on.
He has sounded forth the trumpet that shall never call retreat;
He is sifting out the hearts of men before His judgment-seat:
Oh, be swift, my soul, to answer Him! be jubilant, my feet!
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
In the beauty of the lilies Christ was born across the sea,
With a glory in His bosom that transfigures you and me:
As He died to make men holy, let us die to make men free,
While God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
While God is marching on.
He is coming like the glory of the morning on the wave,
He is Wisdom to the mighty, He is Succour to the brave,
So the world shall be His footstool, and the soul of Time His slave,
Our God is marching on.
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Glory, glory, hallelujah!
Our God is marching on.
by Julia W. Howe
November 1861
Monday, March 15, 2010
There are so many people we need to be praying for daily. I personally appreciate your prayers for me and my family. Every day I am thankful to know that someone is praying for me.
Please continue your prayers for Frann, her mom passed on today. There are so many details she has to deal with and work through emotionally, physically, financially. Looks like I will be driving with her on thursday to savannah for the funeral.
Pray for the youth, the young adults, the senior citizens, the church as a get serious about personally seeking the Lord and applying His word daily.
Please continue your prayers for Frann, her mom passed on today. There are so many details she has to deal with and work through emotionally, physically, financially. Looks like I will be driving with her on thursday to savannah for the funeral.
Pray for the youth, the young adults, the senior citizens, the church as a get serious about personally seeking the Lord and applying His word daily.
Friday, March 12, 2010
My causins Frann & Frances could use alot of extra prayer right now. Frances has been through so much in these last few years with her health and she is 97 years old. She was admitted to the hospital days ago with congestive heart failure and they transferred her yesterday to a hospice facility. Frann has taken care of her mom for so long that it is difficult to imagine not doing so. She's dealing with alot and needs us all to be holding her up in prayer continually.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Was very encouraged last night at my sister's house. Drank too much hot chocolate. Watched a movie with her and my mom after my nephews went to sleep. The movie was about cooking and blogging for those of you who would like to play trivia. Go ahead and try to guess.
Hugs and snuggles from my nephews, I adore them. My sister grabbed ahold of my shoulders just as I was about to leave, and how I thank God for her sweetheart. So thoughtful. The little things we do make such a big difference in the lives of those around us.
Had a real aggressive conversation with my mom yesterday before we left the house. About 'waking up' or 'coming alive' abiding and remaining in the Word of God. Life definetely looks different. When we returned home last night from my sister's house, I went to the bookshelf and picked up a book about Smith Wigglesworth entitled, The Standard, by P.J. Madden. Opened and read from chapter six outloud about being FILLED WITH GOD. It was very amazing to reflect on our earlier conversation and then seem to pick up where we left off. It was pure motivation and encouragement to understand how different life is when it is filled with the power of The KING of Kings, and His Kingdom cannot be shaken.
Hebrews 2:14-15
Hugs and snuggles from my nephews, I adore them. My sister grabbed ahold of my shoulders just as I was about to leave, and how I thank God for her sweetheart. So thoughtful. The little things we do make such a big difference in the lives of those around us.
Had a real aggressive conversation with my mom yesterday before we left the house. About 'waking up' or 'coming alive' abiding and remaining in the Word of God. Life definetely looks different. When we returned home last night from my sister's house, I went to the bookshelf and picked up a book about Smith Wigglesworth entitled, The Standard, by P.J. Madden. Opened and read from chapter six outloud about being FILLED WITH GOD. It was very amazing to reflect on our earlier conversation and then seem to pick up where we left off. It was pure motivation and encouragement to understand how different life is when it is filled with the power of The KING of Kings, and His Kingdom cannot be shaken.
Hebrews 2:14-15
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Friday, February 26, 2010
I could listen to this song until Jesus comes and feel every Hallelujah with tears in my guts, longing, awaiting His coming. Nothing else will do.
Received a call today with words that touched the depths of what has been stirring inside me. God is taking care of all things. I lift my hands in thanks that you are delivering those that I have been praying for, because you yourself have made intercession for each of them. Your freedom & healing is coming my brothers and sisters.
Encourage and strengthen yourself in the Living Word of God --- He hears the cries of the righteous! He will make all things new!
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Besides coming up with all kinds of recipes, doing some light housekeeping, unpacking my backpacks to repack them, writing a letter every now and then, trying to help my mom find a place closer to Pensacola, I have been resting. I have met up with a friend or two every now and then, and spoken with one or two over the phone. Committing everything to prayer and beginning to see The Body function as it should.
My truck is being worked on some more in hopes of possibly heading north and west for a few days. Today was my nephew's bday ELIJAH DAVID. Two year old treasure of love. Thank you God for allowing me to be a part of their little lives.
The other night I sang with my friend Andrea at the Back Door (Beacon of Life Ministry) in Foley... I really really like those people. Andrea has been my friend for many years. I think we both started writing songs and poetry right around the same time many years ago. We both long for the Lord to do all that He wants to do in us and through us. It is a lot of fun to watch what happens when two or more of us show up in one place (agreeing) He is in our midst. Healing comes. His Word accomplishes all that it was sent forth to do.
I am excited for the days to come, and I am full of tears at the same time. Overwhelmed by the Lord's perfect love to come in and save the day EVERYDAY. Earnestly desiring to see others turn their eyes to Jesus so that everything else will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. How I long for the righteous to realize that HE HEARS THEIR CRIES and WILL DELIVER THEM OUT OF ALL THEIR TROUBLES. If they will only look to HIM their faces will be radiant and nevered covered with shame.
My truck is being worked on some more in hopes of possibly heading north and west for a few days. Today was my nephew's bday ELIJAH DAVID. Two year old treasure of love. Thank you God for allowing me to be a part of their little lives.
The other night I sang with my friend Andrea at the Back Door (Beacon of Life Ministry) in Foley... I really really like those people. Andrea has been my friend for many years. I think we both started writing songs and poetry right around the same time many years ago. We both long for the Lord to do all that He wants to do in us and through us. It is a lot of fun to watch what happens when two or more of us show up in one place (agreeing) He is in our midst. Healing comes. His Word accomplishes all that it was sent forth to do.
I am excited for the days to come, and I am full of tears at the same time. Overwhelmed by the Lord's perfect love to come in and save the day EVERYDAY. Earnestly desiring to see others turn their eyes to Jesus so that everything else will grow strangely dim in the light of His glory and grace. How I long for the righteous to realize that HE HEARS THEIR CRIES and WILL DELIVER THEM OUT OF ALL THEIR TROUBLES. If they will only look to HIM their faces will be radiant and nevered covered with shame.
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Friday, February 12, 2010
Just today had a friend call me with some big "NEWS" that was absolutely a direct answer to prayer. Thank You Lord...thank you so much. Also, it started snowing tonight here in Savannah, Georgia. My little niece who is about to celebrate her 4th birthday, she asked and received. She said outloud, "THANK YOU GOD!! Thank you for the snow! I'm really excited about it!" (With huge smiles on her precious face)
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Awfully nice to have these pages to write what's going on in my life and inform those who care to know what is on my mind. So it's about that time. Time to take some time away and re-evaluate what's going on inside. It's time to listen carefully and make some more decisions.
For a time (not certain exactly how long yet) I will be taking a break from technology. I will be receiving mail via P.O. Box 16644 Pensacola, FL 32507. I cannot promise an immediate response, but I do promise to pray for you, and to write back when I can.
Meanwhile, pray for me. Pray for me to have a greater understanding of the knowledge of God. I pray for all of us that we will not allow ourselves to remain distracted, but that we will seek first His Kingdom and righteousness.
Find someone today and be their friend. Listen and love them. Befriend those people you claim to be friends with. A true friend is a gift from God. So be one.
For a time (not certain exactly how long yet) I will be taking a break from technology. I will be receiving mail via P.O. Box 16644 Pensacola, FL 32507. I cannot promise an immediate response, but I do promise to pray for you, and to write back when I can.
Meanwhile, pray for me. Pray for me to have a greater understanding of the knowledge of God. I pray for all of us that we will not allow ourselves to remain distracted, but that we will seek first His Kingdom and righteousness.
Find someone today and be their friend. Listen and love them. Befriend those people you claim to be friends with. A true friend is a gift from God. So be one.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Children of God crying out to a city, praying, singing, searching for the lost. While in conversations, listening to their story, painting a picture on a piece of wood, with a verse they can take with them, reminding them never to forget what is temporary and what is eternal.
What if we lived to relieve peoples burdens along the way, searching for ways to lighten their load, and hopefully they will be so encouraged by the love that so deeply impacts them...they could not help but do the same for others.
As long as I have breath in me - I will be telling anyone I can of my Father's faithfulness to answer prayer, and lift up the broken hearted. He frequently displays His love and power in ways that heals the hurting, and defies the impossible with the simplest of understanding. Keep boggling our minds Lord. Your love is nothing we can explain, even though we keep trying to...
What if we lived to relieve peoples burdens along the way, searching for ways to lighten their load, and hopefully they will be so encouraged by the love that so deeply impacts them...they could not help but do the same for others.
As long as I have breath in me - I will be telling anyone I can of my Father's faithfulness to answer prayer, and lift up the broken hearted. He frequently displays His love and power in ways that heals the hurting, and defies the impossible with the simplest of understanding. Keep boggling our minds Lord. Your love is nothing we can explain, even though we keep trying to...
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Spent a few days in Indiana. Met up with some precious friends I had not seen in quite a while. Threw some snowballs at a few people. Painted some walls and a window on the corner of second and main street (downtown evansville). Saw immediate answers to my prayers. Met a new friend in Memphis. Continually rejoicing in the Lord for THE REFUGE He is to me and all those who call on Him in truth.
Friday, January 1, 2010
Spent the last few weeks (or months) visiting with my family in Georgia, Florida, and Alabama. Enjoying every minute of playing and watching my nephews and nieces grow. Continual thanks be to God as I received my truck back from the mechanic shop, received funds to renew the tag, got a new $100 battery for $25. The Lord is ever merciful and kind.
Went to the eye doctor the other day and this is the third year in a row that my eyes have improved. Of course, they cannot explain it. I can!! Why should my eyes be getting better and better the older I get? It's kind of backwards from the way they say it should be. Imagine that.
It is definetely the winter time around here... from one day to the next never know what to expect. Feels like South America at times, but then right back to artic circle bitter cold. Thank God for hot chocolate, hot ovens, and sunshine and hugs friends that remind you -- you are loved. If it's been a long time since you've written or called, update me.
Seasons are changing, I have changed, and honestly my methods of communicating are not what they used to be. NowAdays, I am not keeping up with everyone. I will keep praying for any of you that the Lord brings to mind, but please note that I am more of a responder than a keeper-upper. Any calls or letters I receive are truly an honor. Thank you for being my friend.
Went to the eye doctor the other day and this is the third year in a row that my eyes have improved. Of course, they cannot explain it. I can!! Why should my eyes be getting better and better the older I get? It's kind of backwards from the way they say it should be. Imagine that.
It is definetely the winter time around here... from one day to the next never know what to expect. Feels like South America at times, but then right back to artic circle bitter cold. Thank God for hot chocolate, hot ovens, and sunshine and hugs friends that remind you -- you are loved. If it's been a long time since you've written or called, update me.
Seasons are changing, I have changed, and honestly my methods of communicating are not what they used to be. NowAdays, I am not keeping up with everyone. I will keep praying for any of you that the Lord brings to mind, but please note that I am more of a responder than a keeper-upper. Any calls or letters I receive are truly an honor. Thank you for being my friend.
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