Thursday, February 26, 2009


Can someone see Jesus in my eyes, if something else is on my mind? If I forget to cast my cares on the Lord, if I fail to pick up my sword, will darkness and troubles and fear surround? Will I remember my Saviour, His mercy, and His grace that abounds? Will I want to make a joyful noise to the King if I forget my vows and refuse my source of strength? Who or what is my daily bread?

Thursday, February 19, 2009


Has your heart ever skipped a beat when the phone rings or if there is a knock on the door? There is something that is so delightful about true fellowship and reuniting in communion or getting to know a friend that truly rejoices the heart like nothing else. It is something to look forward to and hope for and patiently await the next opportunity for understanding to know and be known.

What does your heartbeat for? Who does your heartbeat for? Are you hungry for another chance to talk to God? Do you long for His presence? Can you wait to hear His voice again? Do you keep His words close to you and play them back in your mind for comfort over and over again? Can you wait for the next time to get away and be listen and share when no one else is there?

Remember that out of the abundance of your heart your mouth speaks, so listen to your words throughout the course of a day, and observe what your heartbeats for. I pray you find that your heartbeats for the courts of the KING. To be where He is. His desire is for you.

Sunday, February 15, 2009


At the dinner table my four year old nephew asked his mother for some water to drink. Her silly reply to her son was "Not today. No water today." His eyes got big and he said, "Mom! Without water we can't live. We'll die!" She gave him the water of course. But for all of us who were standing by and very amused with his serious efforts in reasoning with his mother, I wonder what else we could pull from his reaction?

Do we ask God for what we need? Do we believe His intentions toward us are good and life? Do we see His word as so necessary to our lives, it's like water to a thirsty soul? Do we realize how critical our need is for God's word? Without it, we die.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Letter to a PRINCESS


I write to you as if you were my little sister. I hope to encourage you by these thoughts. I understand at your age it is easy to feel a little lost, confused, and not really sure who you are. You will understand who you are more when you pray and read God's word. When you study school and learn several subjects, you are a student. Can I ask you what does your life show that you have studied of God's word?

God's written word is the directions for growing up, learning how to be a true friend, how to avoid every wrong way. It teaches you how to have self control. It shows you the secret to handling life's complicated issues. It is the medicine that rids you of anger, bitterness, and resentment. It will assist you in discerning between a rebellious spirit and mood swings, and it will give you wisdom on how to handle your emotions. It tells you how to discern your thoughts and bring them into obedience to God.

The worst thing you could do is think that you can seek God later on in your life. If you wait to seek God at this time then your heart and mind will be filled with other things, and these things will hold your attention and you will pursue after the things of this world. This is not life, you know this. The world offers you everything, but upon acceptance of its offer there is only sheer loneliness and empty nothing. Are you getting the meaning of these words?

Do you understand that your choices make you? Your choices at this very moment will determine the rest of your life. I pray God gives you understanding and ears to hear this warning. The world will tell you what you want to hear. It does not care what you believe in and it will tell you to believe in yourself or believe in something and it does not matter what. I would not risk forever if I were you. You need to know what you believe in or who you believe in.

God says that if you seek Him with your whole heart, you will find Him. Do you want to find Him? It is not good enough that dad and mom seek and know God, but you yourself must seek Him and know Him or you will not. Those who do not know Him are lost. If you continue on in your own ways you will wake up in a few years and wonder how you got where you are. The world is blind to the danger of not knowing God. Only those that seek Him will find Him. If we are seeking Him then we do not live to please our self any longer, we do not despise love's correction, we get away from everything that is not the truth and choose to what is right.

People believe a lie when they think they have God or know God when they really do not. How do we know that we know him? We do those things that please him. How do we know we love Him? We do what He says. If we love each other for real, deeply, then we can say we love God. If we think of others more than we think of our self, we love God. How do we know that God hears our prayers? Because we do those things that are pleasing to Him. Please look at the book of I John it will tell you these things.

Psalm 7:11 says that God is angry at the wicked all day long. Who is the wicked? Those who do not seek God or strive to do what He says. Those who entice you to do things that are not pleasing to God are not your friends. If you encourage others to do things that are not pleasing to God then you are not being a true friend. If someone is being a friend to you because they are genuinely kind that is good. But if they are nice to you because they want something from you or because they are trying to get you to go with them and do what they do, your own heart tells you this is not well. Get away from evil and do what is right! People who are popular and everyone loves, you should not prefer them to be your before someone that seems less important. The less important person you should seek to serve and to know and bless. Honor all, great and small. True Greatness fears God and does what He says. True greatness is protecting people who cannot stand up for themselves. True greatness is being a friend to someone who could never repay you and others overlook and are ashamed of.

Honor your father and mother, Princess. Respect them from your heart as you never have. A bad attitude is not respecting them. It is not right for you to throw a fit or act out when they tell you NO. A Princess will always trust that God has assigned a caretaker of her heart whether it is a parent, grandparent, or guardian...and that person will answer to God for their own deeds whether good or bad. You need not put them on trial, but leave room for God's judgement. You are commanded by God to honor them, that means obey willingly. They should not have to ask you something more than once before you respectfully respond to their voice. When you rage against them, you are actually raging against the God who gave them to you. Your parents are kind and generous and give you space to grow. By no means are they perfect. They never ask too much of you. They ask for simple, basic, willingness to obey their words. They are God's gift to you though you do not see it. Every action and word that you bring to them, in real life you are sowing seeds into your future. What will be your harvest? Good or bad? Will it be sour bitterness or sweet juicy kindness?

Do not be ugly in your manner. Be beautiful inside and it will show outwardly. Love your parents from deep within your heart and ask God to help do this. Your behavior teaches many others, do you realize this? They copy everything you do. Always let your words be gentle kindness and let the attitude of your heart and life be exceeding thankfulness. I pray the Lord your heart to keep and protection for your mind. I pray that you will remain innocent, pure, and lovely. I pray that you will concern yourself with how many different ways you can honor your parents and bring glory to God. If you do this, you will be loving God with your life.

Every one of us is told by Jesus to humble ourselves and pray, repent and turn from our wicked ways, and seek His face so that our healing will come and our righteous will shine like the noonday sun.

Please do not disregard this letter. You cannot change yourself, but God's word can. You have to want it for yourself. Just like I did. I believe you are a Princess if you are reading these words and your heart is longing to be what you were created to be. I beg you to take hold of God’s word with all that you can and try to live His word out the rest of your days proving that you are a true Daughter of the King. Bring Him glory and let His Holy Love be your life story.

2009 Feb
Marcie Mayo

Monday, February 2, 2009


Mothers, God knows you need a break. He knows you need help. He knows how much you can take. He knows the depths of your need and exactly what you feel. He has not left you alone to fend for yourself. Come to Him and let Him carry your load. Listen to His counsel, be humble, be bold. Accept His invitation to draw near. Let Him hold you awhile. Be still. Let your heart melt in His presence. His love is real. His arms are strong. He never gets tired of being near you or hearing what’s going on.

You need a little ‘pick me up’ or a little extra boost? Come to the fountain and be renewed. Does it seem you never have enough time to accomplish all you would like to in a day? Start your day out with prayer, do things God’s way. Every hour you have the power to listen and obey, to be selfless, be thankful, and pray about everything. What your children see in you they will one day live out. So what is your life telling them about? Are you a victim or are you victorious!? Are you selfish or a servant? Do they hear you give thanks or often complain? God will teach you and train you and enable you to change a lot. If you will just take the time to acknowledge Him in all you do, and lift His name up.